Club Elevate

Club Elevate aims to improve the lives of young people through physical activity.

Offering free sport, activities, volunteering opportunities and pathways into employment, Club Elevate is all about enhancing the health and wellbeing of young people in North Tyneside.

Use local facilities, meet new people, try new things, and create healthy habits for life!

There are three elements to Club Elevate:

Elevate gym and swim – a free Contours membership allowing three months of access to the gyms, swimming pools and exercises classes across the borough at Hadrian Leisure Centre, The Parks, Tynemouth Pool, Waves, and The Lakeside Centre. Memberships can be renewed for up to one year.

Elevate multisport – weekly sports sessions to try a variety of sports and activities including things like badminton, table tennis, archery, football and more - sessions can be tailored to participants and take place on Monday afternoons (4.30-5.30pm) at The Parks Sports Centre.

Elevate extra – throughout the year there will be a range of additional activities to get involved with, including things like:

  • cookery sessions

  • outdoor activities (such as paddleboarding and surfing)

  • annual residential trips


Club Elevate is for 16 to 25 year olds who meet one or more of the below criteria:

  • aren’t in employment, education, or training (NEET)

  • experience poor mental health

  • have issues with substance misuse (drugs or alcohol)

  • are at risk of anti-social behaviour

For more information, email