Does cardio always mean running?

Lots of people think doing cardio means only running on a treadmill - for hours - which couldn’t be further from the truth (and sounds pretty boring!)

There are so many ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness - and while running can do the job, it’s just one of many!

Firstly, it’s important to know why cardio exercise is important. Regular cardio based physical activity can help to lower your blood pressure, keeps your heart strong and helps to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. All good stuff!

So here are just a few great ways to improve your heart health and increase your cardiovascular fitness without spending a lifetime on the treadmill:

  • Weight training

Yes, you heard. Weight training is a great way to work your heart. If you haven’t tried weight training before, it’s worth asking for some help around good form to make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly (if you’re a Contours member, staff will design a weights-based programme for you for free as part of your membership!) Lifting heavy weights is hard work for your heart and lungs and you’ll notice you become breathless pretty quickly, especially when lifting the weights above your head or when you’re doing heavy leg work.

  • Triathlon

Don’t panic, even a beginner can do a triathlon workout, think about it: 10 minutes in the pool, 10 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes on the treadmill. DONE. Obviously, you can mix things up; if you’re better at swimming than cycling, add a little extra time onto the swim section of the workout.

  • Take part in a class

Whether it’s Body Pump, Legs Bums and Tums, or an Aquafit class, you’ll be sure to get the heart pumping. Many classes use a mixture of resistance and cardio, but you’ll be loving the class so much you won’t even notice you’re doing it. Let an instructor motivate you and you’ll feel great afterwards.

  • Swimming

Because swimming is a full body workout, your heart and lungs have to work really hard to pump oxygen around the body which results in you feeling breathless, a perfect cardio workout. Try walking a length and swimming a length to mix it up, taking your heart rate up and down until you feel fit enough to swim for longer.

  • Dance!

Zumba, Aqua Zumba, and Zumba Gold! Dance fitness has to be one of the most enjoyable ways to move your body and lift your heart rate. You will smile your way through.

  • Climbing

Did you know that climbing is great cardio exercise? It is a great all rounder; cardio, strength and a mental challenge too, trying to work out the best way to the top! There’s a climbing wall right here in North Tyneside too, at Hadrian Leisure Centre, where adults, children (8+) and young people can have a go at a new hobby!

 You can find out all about sport and leisure opportunities in North Tyneside on the sport and leisure pages of the council website.

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